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List displays a container that groups elements in a list.


import { List } from "@prismane/core";

List component has the following inner components:

  • - List.Unordered - The unordered list component.
  • - List.Ordered - The ordered list component.
  • - List.Item - The list item component.
  • - List.Icon - The list icon component.


By default, List component renders a list with no styling.


Unordered List

The List.Unordered will render a List component as a ul.

<List.Unordered ml={fr(5)}>

Ordered List

The List.Ordered will render a List component as an ol.

<List.Ordered ml={fr(5)}>

List With Icon

By providing a List.Icon

      <Fire />
      <Fire />
      <Fire />

List Spacing

By default, the Link component extends the Flex component, allowing it to easily space out its elements, by providing a value to the gap prop.

<List gap={fr(2)}>

Horizontal List

By default, the Link component extends the Flex component, allowing it to easily be made into a horizontal list, by providing a value of row to the direction prop.

<List direction="row" gap={fr(2)}>

List With Divider

It is very common to combine List and Divider components together.

<List gap={fr(2)} w={fr(96)}>
  <Divider size="xs" />
  <Divider size="xs" />


Please refer to the documentation below for a comprehensive overview of all the available props and classes for the mentioned components.