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v1.5.1May 8, 2024

๐Ÿš€ Prismane Version 1.5.1

v1.5.1 Banner

๐Ÿงพ Release Notes

This new version fixes multiple issues across field components, styling issues, type issues, and some functionality issues.

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes


  • - NativeSelectField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - NumberField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - PinField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - SelectField:
    • - Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
    • - Fixed an issue where the dropdown container made the field higher than others.
  • - SegmentedField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - NativeDateField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - PasswordField:
    • - Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
    • - Fixed an issue where the hidden input obstructed the layout of the fields.
    • - Fixed an issue where only a given set of properties were passed to each field.
  • - TextField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - TextareaField: Fixed the functionality of the disabled and readOnly props.
  • - Button:
    • - Fixed inconsistent background color on secondary variant in dark mode.
    • - Fixed the border color when having a variant of tertiary and the button is hovered.
  • - Transition: Fixes an issue where the property prop did not change the transition-property style.
  • - Menu: Fixed an issue where the menu was not scrollable if it exceeded a given height.


  • - Accordion.Icon: Fixed the prop type for the active parameter of the children prop if provided as a function.
  • - Container: Fixed the prop type for the maxSize prop to allow any valid numeric or string value too.
  • - Gradient: Fixed the prop types for the from, to, and deg props making them not required.
  • - Grid: Fixed the prop types for the templateColumns and templateRows props.
  • - AutocompleteField: Fixed the prop type for the function passed to the filter prop.
  • - Fixed the type of the sx prop.